One of the main components of the internet would be JavaScript. Used as a programming language, its use has structured many of the things that we see online today, thus, forever cementing its legacy as a major part of the world wide web. That being said, you may be wondering whether or not it is applicable in a hackathon. Straight answer: yes!

However, one must always remember that there are proper steps in doing so. If you are curious to know what they are, look no further than the steps below.

1. Understanding of JavaScript

In order to effectively use JavaScript in a hackathon, you need to know what it is. What kind of coding language is it? Is it a general-purpose programming language? Can anyone use it to write code in many different situations?

The thing is, some of its uses include adding new features to an existing technology, building something from scratch, or even using it to enhance an existing website, so it would definitely be beneficial to utilize it.

2. Finding the Best Tools for the Job

The next thing you will do as a programmer is to find your best tools to ensure that you can do the best work. To do this, you need to check if there are any JavaScript coding tools that can help you achieve what you have in mind.

If you see none, the next step is to see if any available JavaScript libraries can help you solve the problem. If you find some, you can then use them to see if they work.

3. Testing Your Idea

Now it is time to test your idea. What you can do is put your idea into a piece of code, and then make sure it runs as you wanted it to. Take note of the potential pitfalls and make sure they get eliminated.

Lastly, make sure to test the code and make sure it works. Do not be hasty to show it off because it is best to test it first.

4. Debugging the Code

After you have tested it, you should debug your code. It means that you will have to find any bugs and make sure they will not become a problem later on. All in all, you must do this step before showing off your work.

5. Using Your Code to Solve the Problem

When you have successfully created the code, it is time to see if it can be used in the hackathon. You should use it to see if it can solve the given problem.

6. Testing It With Other Developers

Now that you have tested it on your own, you should see if it works the same way with other developers and their projects. They can also try it multiple times to observe the main components of the code.

7. Showing It off to the Judges

Finally, you should show off your code to the judges to see what they have to say about it. They can point out ways to make it better, and they can give you a good idea of what you should do about it.

Keep in mind that these seven steps may not always be the same. You will have to change them depending on the situation of the hackathon you are in.

The Final Take

In conclusion, there are many different uses of JavaScript in a hackathon. You can use it to create something new, or you can use it to enhance another existing technology. Best of all, many people use it for their own projects.

If you are using it for your own project, you should follow the steps above to ensure that it works as intended. It can help you confirm that you are indeed getting the most out of the technology through that method.

If you are looking to participate in the best hackathons in the U.S. today, look no further than our upcoming events here at We have countless event listings to choose from and can show off your coding prowess.