Organizing an event can have various goals in mind, from high attendance to considerable profits. As for a hackathon, there are several goals that you can achieve. One main point would be to encourage participants to have a fruitful experience while honing many tech talents during their journey.

Creating a hackathon where everyone's destined to fail isn't the ideal way. Procure the opposite and host meaningful hackathons where participants can have fun and express themselves. Allow participants to have a chance at creating a good product and possibly winning the event.

Here's a short guide about how you can best organize the ideal hackathon for coders, developers, and other participants:

1) Think About Your Target Audience

Think about your target audience when you're organizing an event such as a hackathon. It's important to know what your participants are thinking, what they like and what they're comfortable with.

You'll be able to understand your target audience once you've surveyed in advance, from the location to the rules. Running a survey will allow you to get information about your participants to know more about them.

2) Have Quality Mentors Ready

If you seek to have a winning hackathon, you better have quality mentors available. A good hackathon can only be possible if you have the right teachers who are willing to invest their time in guiding participants and answering their queries.

Along with that, make sure to have another group of mentors who are can interact with the audience, providing both knowledge and entertainment. If the event is a fun one, the audience should feel engaged rather than bored.

3) Provide Platforms for Communication

Hackathons are events where you can find different tech professionals collaborating with one another for a project. Allow people to connect with like-minded individuals by suggesting other communication platforms.

Having platforms for communication such as chat rooms or channels on Slack or Discord can help out discourse. It will be an avenue for participants to ask questions, seek out mentors and learn more about each other.

4) Allow Edits Before Final Submission

When you're organizing a hackathon with participants from around the world, there's a chance that many people will submit the same idea. Make sure to give them a chance at changing their entries and make edits before the final submission.

Giving participants a chance to edit their submissions will help them make a better product they can be proud of. It will also provide them with a chance at making the final product look presentable before the final submission.

5) Utilize Good Events Platforms

You can make any event simpler if you have the right event management platform. There are a lot of platforms that you can use for organizing a hackathon, so it's best to choose the one that you think is best for you and your participants - and can help with that!

Your chosen platform should allow you to control the event while keeping everything organized. Consider tapping into a network to promote your hackathon and connect with other organizers and participants too. Contact us today and we are happy to get you started, even if it is just coming up with an idea.

Host a Hackathon

Organizing a hackathon isn't an easy feat, but the efforts you put into arranging and hosting the event will be worth it when you see how the event turns out. Tech talent is sure to blossom when they're in the right environment.

Looking to organize your own hackathon event? is the best resource for tools, ideas and information on hosting your own hackathon event, as well as helping you put it together. Check out our Corporate Services page for more information.