Hackathons have become the go-to event for many to test their potential by competing with the best minds in the world of programming. One of the languages commonly used in such events is Python, an incredibly versatile language. Not only is it fairly easy to learn, but it is also effective at doing things like complex machine learning.

That being said, if you are looking to join a hackathon and want to implement Python into your arsenal, you're in the right place! Here are some tips to help you utilize Python to help you succeed in hackathons:

1. Use Python's Debugger to Your Advantage

It can be easy to make a small mistake that throws the entire program off when building a program. In most cases, you would then have to rebuild the entire program from scratch. This can be incredibly time-consuming, especially if you've written a large chunk of code that is time-consuming to write.

Luckily, Python has a built-in debugger that allows you to list through your code line-by-line and pinpoint errors as they happen. This is helpful when you are trying to debug a new program or one that you have built multiple times. While you need a solid understanding of Python, the debugger can be a powerful tool in your arsenal!

In terms of a hackathon, the debugger will help you quickly identify and overcome coding issues, allowing you to write codes faster and more effectively!

2. Use Black to Format Your Code

While you can use various frameworks when you are building a Python-based hackathon program, one of the best ways to help you build your program faster is to use Black.

Black is a Python code formatter that helps you write programs correctly to be easier to read. It is usually used for larger projects, such as standalone Django projects. It will format your entire project so that it has the same look and feel that you are looking for.

Black can be incredibly beneficial to you as a hackathon programmer because it will help you write code faster and more effectively. It will also make your code easier to read and understand by others to help you with your code if needed.

3. Use Python's 'Lucky Python'

When you are using Python in a hackathon, you can sometimes find yourself hitting a wall where you simply can't figure out how to make your code work. Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to see the problem, but sometimes those fresh eyes aren't available to you right away. Thankfully, something called 'Lucky Python' will help you out of your coding jam.

Lucky Python is a little program that can be used in conjunction with Pytest, which is a popular Python testing framework. Lucky Python allows you to write tests without writing any actual code. This can be incredibly helpful for hackathon projects because it allows you to test possible solutions without sacrificing any code.

If you are using Python for a hackathon, Lucky Python can be a fantastic tool for you to use when you are stuck!

Use Python To Your Advantage!

While Python is a valuable asset for your programming toolkit, it can be even more powerful when you are trying to build programs on a deadline, such as in a hackathon. That being said, these tips are beneficial to you because they help you write code faster and more effectively. This can help you beat the competition in your hackathon and build effective and awesome programs that will net you plenty of attention.

Hackathon.com is the largest online hackathon community in the world, offering millions of its members many hackathons to participate in. If you are looking for the right hackathon event to join, check out our online and in-person listings!