At least a thousand hackathons are happening every year. In a study, 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies host a hackathon to promote their business and invoke corporate innovation. However, as hackathons happen worldwide (in-person and online), how does it help students become better at what they do? How do hackathons unleash a team’s creativity in a team sport for intelligence?

1. Encourages Collaborations

At a hackathon, you are not building a product or a service. You solve a problem, create a solution, and make a product. You can’t solve something unless you know how it works.

Hackathons are great opportunities for networking, learning, and interacting with the technology industry. Get to know people who can help you in your career. It is the perfect opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals to build something and see it come to life.

2. Pushes People Out of Their Comfort Zones

In hackathons, you could face many challenges from the start: competing with other people, living under time pressure, getting unfamiliar with the technology, fundraising, making decisions quickly, and leadership. It pushes you out of your comfort zone. 

A lot of students would freak out because unexpected challenges could happen. One may get stuck with a minor problem or end up with something that you are not proud of. But the biggest surprise is in the end, you will feel proud of yourself because you have accomplished something nobody else did.

Hackathons do not permit you not to think. On the contrary, they encourage you to use your brain.

3. Promotes Socially Diverse Inputs

Although you might be the best at coding, you should never underestimate the value of communication and social skills. Hackathons usually provide their participants the chance to mingle with many people as there are many times teams would have to shuffle around for various reasons.

Hackathons are an excellent opportunity to expand your network, learn new skills, and meet new people. You know a lot from the interaction. Become a socially diverse individual who can work well in a team. Being in a team depends on how well you communicate with your teammates.

4. Produces Innovative Products

In hackathons, you have a concise amount of time to build something that brings value. You don’t want to waste your time on a product that no one will want to use. Your product must be beneficial, innovative, and it must be something that can make money.

Hackathons are a perfect place to practice how to think out of the box to produce something different and unique. Through building a product, you become more confident and can tackle real-world challenges, such as the ever-changing technology and the changing market.

5. Develops Talents, Skills, and Abilities Real-Time

A hackathon is a perfect place to practice real-time problem-solving skills. It will push you to the edge of your abilities, and you have to be ready, willing, and able to work as hard as you can and quickly execute ideas.


Hackathons are not only for people who are interested in technology. These hackathons can help students improve their skills and learn about new technology and technology-related fields. Now that every industry depends on technology, organizations are looking to hire knowledgeable students in computer science and computer engineering. is the best way to find a hackathon worldwide. We help participants find a local or online hackathon, making the process more accessible than ever before. Check out the upcoming hackathons near you today!