If you don't have knowledge or skills in coding, you don't have to worry! In a hackathon, not only programmers are essential to complete a project.

Every successful hackathon team is composed of different roles needed to get the job done well. It's time to stop the misconception that non-programmers cannot participate in hackathons.

Here are roles that make valuable contributions to a hackathon:

  1. Project Manager

This role is the one that leads the project from start to finish. They manage and ensure that each member has a clear objective of the project. They also help assemble the team to create a winning result. It is a great way to learn how a complex project is run and a great way to learn leadership skills.

  1. Product Manager

The Product Manager is responsible for the product and making the product the best it can be. A product manager helps and finalizes the product's best core features that the team wants to implement.

  1. Scrum Master

A Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that all team members' development processes and the project's overall progress are smooth and efficient.

  1. Designer

Designers process their ideas and turn them into a product that has a desirable and valuable form. The designer is responsible for the design of the product.

  1. Writer

They are responsible for writing all the content that the team needs. A good writer makes the product visuals easy to understand by any user.

  1. Quality Assurance

QA ensures that the product produced is functional and of high quality. They are responsible for ensuring that the product is bug-free by notifying the team of such problems that need to be addressed and resolved.

They try to utilize every possibility that can cause problems with the app and ensure that issues are eliminated.

  1. Security Specialist

Security specialists are responsible for making sure that the product is secure and that the product is hack-proof. This is very important for a hackathon because hackathons are usually hackable. 

  1. Marketer

A marketer is responsible for creating awareness about the product and its features. They promote the product and help make it known. They also make sure it is easily accessible and available.

They also make sure that the company has a solid social media presence. They update the social media accounts with helpful information and post new activities and events of the company.

  1. Domain Expert

Domain experts are the authorities of the field. They are the ones who know everything about it and who easily find useful information to be used for the product.

  1. Ideation Person 

Ideas are the awakening of the mind. Ideation people are the inspiration for the hackathon project. They direct the team to focus on their goal and help them create the best product.

These roles are essential in a hackathon, although they may not require you to have coding skills. To be successful in a hackathon, you need to have a good hackathon mindset.

Hackathons are meant to produce the best products in the fastest possible time. They are testing grounds for innovation, and the only way to do that is for every role to have a solid background and skills to contribute to the project. The teams that do well in hackathons are comprised of people who have experience in the different fields mentioned above.

Hackathon.com is the largest online hackathon community worldwide, connecting over 2,000 hackathon organizers with our more than ten million member innovators around the globe. We help organize and host hackathons that programmers, project managers, and other essential roles can participate in. If you want to participate in a hackathon without coding or in any hackathon event near you, check our event listings!